CAPSLOCK invests £300k to help 34 adults re-skill in cyber security

March 1, 2021
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After 12 months of meticulous planning, curriculum designing, and funding from the government, CAPSLOCK have successfully launched their first career security bootcamp. The course will last for 26 weeks and will re-skill 34 adults in cyber security.

The curriculum focuses entirely on workplace skills development and is delivered live online on the CAPSLOCK digital campus. The curriculum has received support from some of the UK’s largest cyber employers. It is also accredited by the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec).

Removing Financial Barriers

The CAPSLOCK bootcamp is now the largest programme in the UK to pilot Income Share Agreements, a new model of student finance.

CAPSLOCK have deferred £300,000 worth of tuition fees so learners can enrol for free. Instead, CAPSLOCK have offered learners an Income Share Agreement (ISA) where graduates of the programme pay a percentage of their future income back to CAPSLOCK over 36 months, but only when they earn over £27,000.

By deferring tuition fees and delivering the bootcamp online, major barriers for adults needing to re-skill have been removed. The ground-breaking diversity on the first cohort reflects this. Over 32% of learners are female, which is more than double the average female representation for a cyber university degree.

What The Learners Say

Matthew, an armed forces veteran and one of the CAPSLOCK learners said:

“Enrolling with no up-front costs and only paying tuition back when I earn over £27,000, for me, is fantastic. There’s no pressure on me financially, so I can do this course with total focus.”


Jonathan Slater, one of the CAPSLOCK founders said;

“What we’re achieving here is a huge breakthrough for both adult education and cyber security. The diversity on our course is ground-breaking and allows UK cyber employers to access diverse talent whilst plugging the crucial skills gap. One of our main goals is to allow adults to re-skill with minimal financial risk and avoid career redundancy as we move into the digital age. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

What’s Next?

With the first cohort underway, the CAPSLOCK team are already preparing for the launch of the second cohort. This one will be a full-time course, lasting for just 16 weeks and kicking off on the 22nd March.

For more information about CAPSLOCK, visit

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