Why CAPSLOCK Has Joined the Tech Talent Charter

March 16, 2021
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CAPSLOCK has committed to championing diversity within tech and cyber employment by signing the national Tech Talent Charter.

We’re joining Channel 4, Sky, BT, and over 500 other signatories to help deliver greater diversity to the UK’s tech workforce.

What is the Tech Talent Charter?

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a non-profit organisation leading a movement to address inequality in the UK tech sector, and drive inclusion and diversity in a practical and uniquely measurable way.  The TTC’s ultimate goal is that the UK tech sector becomes truly inclusive and a reflection of the society which it represents.  There are now over 500 UK employers involved with the TTC and working together to drive change, including the BBC.

Speaking about the gender, ethnicity and disability gap in cyber, CAPSLOCK co-founder Dr. Andrea Cullen said:

“The more our cyber workforce reflects the diversity of our society, the better our cyber solutions will be. CAPSLOCK is committed to removing as many barriers to tech as possible, and joining the Tech Talent Charter is an important step.”

Speaking about the charter, TTC CEO Debbie Forster said:

The importance of greater inclusion and diversity in tech is, thankfully, no longer up for debate. Sectors and organisations now need to work together to shift the dial – and this will happen a lot quicker if we pool our successes, failures, ideas and learn from them to bring about real structural change.”

Find our more information about the Tech Talent Charter here.

Why CAPSLOCK has joined the TTC

We strongly believe that diversity in all forms is crucial to the success of any industry.

Ethically and morally, committing to increasing diversity in our sector it is the right thing to do to. It is something we want to do, and it is something that we believe we, and all other businesses, must do.

Joining the Tech Talent Charter allows us to publicly pledge to this commitment, as well as keeping our equality practices at the forefront of our business culture.

As a business, we commit to:

  • particularly encouraging women and minorities to apply for our courses through our marketing, language, and company culture.
  • reaching out to female and BAME industry professionals to join our Learning Mentor team.
  • ensuring our in-house hiring policy is equitable and free of discrimination.
  • removing traditional barriers to education by using Income Share Agreements, allowing our learners to defer all tuition costs until they’re employed.

We don’t have all the answers, but we are moving in the right direction.

Our Diversity Stats So Far…

Our inaugural cohort features 32% female learners and 35% BAME learners. This is well above the industry average for cyber-related education, so we are extremely proud of this achievement.

We think this is a fantastic start, but we’re not resting on our laurels. We want to see at least 50% female and BAME representation on our future cohorts.

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